Title 75. Vehicle Code. (Excerpt relating to Police Powers)
§ 6109. Specific powers of department and local authorities.
         (a) Enumeration of Police Powers The provisions of this title shall not be deemed to prevent the department on State designated highways and local authorities on streets or highways within their physical boundaries from the reasonable exercise of their police powers. The following are presumed to be reasonable exercises of police powers:
                   (1) Regulating or prohibiting stopping, standing or parking.
                   (2) Regulating traffic by means of police officers or official traffic control devices.
                   (3) Regulating or prohibiting processions or assemblages on highways.
                   (4) Designating particular highways or roadways for use by traffic moving in one direction as authorized in Section 3308 (relating to one way roadways and rotary traffic islands).
                   (6) Designating any highway as a through highway or designating any intersection or junction of roadways as a stop or yield intersection or junction.
                   (7) Prohibiting or restricting the use of highways at particular places or by particular classes of vehicles whenever the highway or portion of the highway may be seriously damaged by the use or the movement of the vehicles would constitute a safety hazard.
                   (8) Regulating the operation of pedalcycles and requiring their registration and inspection, and the payment of a reasonable registration fee.
                   (9) Regulating or prohibiting the turning of vehicles or specified types of vehicles as authorized in Section 3331 (relating to required position and method of turning).
                   (13) Prohibiting or regulating the use of designated streets by any class or kind of traffic.
                   (15) Regulating and temporarily prohibiting traffic on streets closed or restricted for construction, maintenance or special events.
                   (16) Prohibiting pedestrians from crossing a roadway in a business district or any designated highway except in a crosswalk.
                   (17) Restricting pedestrian crossings at unmarked crosswalks.
                   (18) Regulating persons propelling push carts.
                   (19) Regulating persons upon skates, coasters, sleds and other toy vehicles.
                   (20) Adopting and enforcing such temporary or experimental regulations as may be necessary to cover emergencies or special considerations.

Title 18. Crimes Code.
§ 5507. Obstructing highways and other public passages
         (a) A person, who, having no legal privilege to do so, intentionally or recklessly obstructs any highway, railroad track or public utility right-of-way, sidewalk, navigable waters, other public passage, whether alone or with others, commits a summary offense, or, in case he persists after warning by a law officer, a misdemeanor of the third degree. No person shall be deemed guilty of an offense under this subsection solely because of a gathering of persons to hear him speak or otherwise communicate, or solely because of being a member of such a gathering.
         (b) Refusal to move on.
                   (1) A person in a gathering commits a summary offense if he refuses to obey a reasonable official request to move:
                            (i) To prevent obstruction of a highway or other public passage; or
                            (ii) To maintain public safety by dispersing those gathered in dangerous proximity to a fire or other hazard.
                   (2) An order to move, addressed to a person whose speech or other lawful behavior attracts an obstructing audience, shall not be deemed reasonable if the obstruction can be readily remedied by police control of the size or location of the gathering.
         (c) Definition – As used in this section the word “obstructs” means renders impassable without unreasonable inconvenience or hazard.